Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A community library gem

Centro Lector-Lo Barnechea, Chile

As Mayra and I prepared for a presentation about the group’s summer in Chile, studying with Chilean children’s author Cecilia Beuchat, I came across a library brochure from the municipality of Lo Barnechea. The library is named, Centro Lector. Their mission is to promote literacy and culture by providing the community access to the best quality books. When we visited, I immediately felt “at home” in the children’s library and started reading and taking notes on all the books I wanted to find for my school’s library to share with children here.

Now, I'm being reminded to make new discoveries browsing their catalog and website (http://www.centrolector.cl). Also, La Fundacíon Germán Sánchez Ruiperez de Salamanca and the International Center for Children’s Literature (http://www.fundaciongsr.es) in Spain has supported their efforts. Sifting through the myriad of websites to find reliable information on children’s books originally published in Spanish takes time. These two sites provide a good starting point.

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